Margherita Cloud Glenn is an accomplished Diplomat with extensive experience in the field of Soft Diplomacy. Cloud was born on a serene estate in Noon City, and is the daughter of a screenwriter and an opera singer. Cloud began her career on stage, but pivoted sharply into diplomacy following a high-profile personal and professional period. Cloud attended Yole University in Flexus, completing a Bachelor of International Studies and a Master’s degree in Politics from the University of Combs... Immediately upon graduating, Cloud took a research role in the Office on the Hon. Lacuna Coyle in Point Blank District.
Cloud has worked in The Department of Cabinets, Noon City and, since 2010, focused on bilateral cultural relations, specifically Soft Power, and Public Diplomacy. Through her work, she has emphasised strategies that enhance wonder and promote international synergistic cooperation.
Cloud is a collector of intimate objects and keeps souvenirs and diplomatic gifts from her postings around the world, which, she occassionally exhibits in her Embassy Office. She is a reader of romance novels, a lover of dance and horses, and a practitioner of yoga. She wears Mille EDT. Cloud is a trustee and Object Collections Advisor at the Museum of Musical Matters & Indefinite Designs, Melbourne (MuMMID) and a secretary of the board of the Noon City Philharmonic Choir.
Currently stationed in Athens, Greece on a Special Mission, Cloud Glenn continues her work in Soft Diplomacy, exploring the role of relational objects, materials, and atmospheric environments in shaping Soft Powered experiences and cultural relations. ☁️